
Robotic process automation for Life Sciences

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RPA solves the mundane processes in your business

Life Sciences organizations face three significant challenges today: pressure to deliver new products to market faster, the need to innovate new models for more effective market engagement, and managing compliance in an environment that is becoming more complex and less predictable. Companies are being forced to direct more and more resources away from core research and development activities just to tread water trying to push through administrative bottlenecks.

RPA has matured to meet the challenges of today's market. Advanced Machine Learning tools and AI-powered technologies offer Life Sciences organizations the ability to automate redundant, data-intensive tasks that consume valuable resources. That allows companies to re-focus team priorities on mission-critical operations that support innovation and deliver value.


Patient Matching

Patient matching, recruitment, and enrollment are among the most daunting bottlenecks faced by organizations in the Life Sciences space. Establishing a patient population using dynamic inclusion and exclusion to assess the impact of a trial is a tedious task. Gathering and assessing volumes of data to understand if the population needs to be enlarged, correctly and efficiently targeting recruitment, scaling to meet demand – these are all necessary but inefficient processes that consume significant resources and impact other operations.

Organizations need a digital solution to optimize efficiency, manage scale, and achieve higher patient matching data quality. RPA can help.


Processing Pharma Co-Vigilance Cases

Pharmaceutical companies manually process tens or hundreds of thousands of adverse event cases per year. Workers struggle to integrate vast volumes of data in real-time, which results in a process that is slow, suffers from persistent quality management issues, and represents a sustained vector for compliance risk. Organizations are increasingly falling behind an acceptable performance curve in collecting, detecting, assessing, monitoring, and preventing adverse effects.

Life Sciences organizations are looking for ways to replace paper-based workflows with more efficient, productive, and cost-effective solutions. RPA has answers.


Trial Master Process Management

Managing the trial master file (TMF) for a clinical trial is a cumbersome process. Multiple contract research organizations (CROs) typically require multiple TMFs, documents and data are entered manually, and extra resources are required to maintain and verify each system. The lack of data integration between systems suppresses visibility and limits the ability to gather actionable insights.

A digital solution that can efficiently capture and process data, provide real-time analytics, and reduce system complexity would help Life Sciences organizations be more competitive. RPA can provide that solution.


Regulatory Submission Process

The submission process for regulatory activities requires intensive records compilation, status tracking, and data integration and sharing. The extreme time requirements for these administrative processes significantly expands time-to-market schedules. Drugs are being delayed not only by the burden of this workflow, but by the need to shift resources away from higher value core research and development activities.

Lean solutions can help Life Sciences organizations make drugs that are safer, more effective, and available at a lower cost. RPA can resolve efficiency challenges.

The benefits of RPA for Life Science organizations

Faster Product Launch Cycles

R&D cycles and spends are growing, failure rates are stagnating at around 90%, and the average cost to bring a new product to market is now more than $1.5 billion. RPA tools empower Life Sciences companies to improve R&D quality, condense product launch cycles, and make resource allocation and spending more efficient, through a digitally-transformed organization.

Time Back for Employees

Organizations are increasingly forced to allocate resources and staff to non-core processes, including data management, administrative tasks, and compliance, at the cost of performance in drug discovery and strategic field work. RPA solutions can eliminate the burden of routine tasks and allow clinical and commercial talent to focus on higher value operations.

Improved Accuracy, Visibility, and Forecasting

The routine implementation of new devices, systems, processes, and technologies creates a sprawling data environment that is frustrating to use and even more difficult to manage. RPA technologies provide data integration and system management tools that allow organizations to eliminate inconsistencies, boost efficiency, and gain valuable insights that support operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

Risk & Compliance Management

Managing risk and compliance are non-core operations that require a substantial investment of resources and organizational energies. In an environment that is increasingly complex and technology-focused, RPA offers a technology-based solution. Automation can perform the routine data collection, processing, and notification tasks that are essential to risk and compliance management, and free up essential resources for core operations.

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Our directive was to simplify and create efficiencies with existing resources.  Optezo helped with both.

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CIO, $7B Life Sciences Organization

Top Life Sciences RPA Use Cases

Let robots handle necessary tasks that are tedious and repetitive, so that your organization can invest more resources into new products, essential services, and mission-critical operations.

Research & Development

Necessary but repetitive lab tasks and processes can consume resources at a outsized rate and inhibit strategic goals by overwhelming other operations. RPA can successfully perform protocol implementation, notebook updating, data entry and verification tasks. This allows organizations more time and ability to focus on drug discovery, with faster product launch schedules.

Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Data that is relevant organization-wide is typically siloed in disparate, sometimes poorly-connected systems across the supply chain. RPA can simplify integration of supply chain and inventory reporting, perform advance reporting and notification, accomplish end-to-end supplier management, and provide real-time data insights and alerts. It empowers organizations to leverage data to deliver improvements to accuracy, visibility, and forecasting.

Regulatory Affairs & Patient Safety

Organizations struggle to efficiently manage records and data tracking, validation, and sharing for regulatory reporting. RPA solutions allow organizations to more easily manage adverse event intake and medical/product contact centers, and process regulatory fillings with health authorities. This reduces costs and transforms complex, labor-intensive processes into a platform that supports continuous compliance improvement.

Global Commercial Operations

Sales and marketing assets may lack access to actionable, relevant real-time data needed in the field, thanks to sprawling and compartmentalized systems. RPA can eliminate data disconnects and support better sales visit preparation, enhanced data extraction and reporting, and simplified contracts management. The result: a sales force that is more effective, engaged, and able to get ahead in today's competitive sales environment.

These use cases (and more!) are from the Optezo Process Catalog. The benefits are real. Start now.

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Intelligent Automation is all we do. Our experts are trained professionals have spent years working with complex systems in large enterprise organizations. We know the Enterprise and we know Intelligent Automation.

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Optezo's Intelligent Automation strategy services and our curated automation process catalog will help you quickly get going with a successful program.

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While our All-in-One offering is most popular, we make it easy to engage with us wherever you are in your Intelligent Automation journey. Optezo can meet you where you feel we will be most valuable.

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