
Robotic process automation for Information Technology teams

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RPA solves the mundane Information Technology (IT) processes challenge

These “keep the lights on” tasks take time away from valuable resources and increase the overall cost of the organization. However, a new generation of robotic process automation (RPA) solutions are freeing up IT resources, while also boosting operational speed, efficiency, and performance.

Robots are not just capable of assuming responsibility for routine operations, they excel at managing those functions with improved accuracy, superb assurance, and in a way that creates a framework for continuous improvement throughout the enterprise.

Robots, innovative AI, and machine intelligence applications are adding value to IT functions across the full spectrum of the enterprise. Savvy companies are assessing these repeatable processes and beginning to integrate RPA solutions to make a positive impact:


User Management Operations

IT teams are burdened with routine user management activities involving users, employees, vendors, and customers. Scrambling to manage these operations at scale is a substantial drain on IT resources, and the potential value of these resources when assigned to higher value tasks is lost.


Infrastructure Management

Organizations implement over time a diverse environment of networks, platforms, applications, and solutions, and adding technology resources just creates more complexity. Enterprises are challenged to maintain infrastructure environments that are suitably reliable, scalable, and agile.


Network Maintenance and Monitoring

Unplanned outages and frequent incidents are telltale signs of an IT team that is strained beyond its capabilities. Organizations that are scaling up their operations, or evolving in new directions, require added support to ensure their networks can keep pace with changing loads, without disruption.


Database Management

Critical data may be distributed across various networks and poorly integrated platforms, or sequestered within legacy systems that are incompatible with modern applications. Enterprises require data management solutions that allow efficient data access, organizing, sharing, and migration, to prevent bottlenecks and data-related process errors.

The benefits of RPA in Information Technology

Reduced Costs

Assigning IT team resources to low-value, repetitive tasks forces organizations to compensate by hiring more staff and absorbing more costs. Assigning robots to perform routine functions eliminates the need for extra hiring, and can also get those operations done at lower cost than IT staff.

Lower Risk Environment

Higher levels of efficiency and assurance provided by RPA applications reduce risk across the enterprise. Robots can eliminate both human and process errors that raise levels of operational risk. RPA can support simpler compliance, more effective governance, and reduced cybersecurity risks.

Higher Value Operations

Optimizing resource allocation is essential to supporting successful business operations. RPA applications are the most efficient tool to absorb critical, but low-value operations. Managing these functions with robots allows IT teams to focus on core, value-generating operations that positively impact the organization's ability to generate revenue, build value, and grow.

Continuous Improvement

RPA assets support continuous improvement initiatives that benefit enterprise performance. Robot applications can identify and optimize inefficient processes, accelerate operational functions, reduce errors, and improve both staff and customer satisfaction. RPA provides a framework that allows organizations to implement improvement-focused changes faster and with greater precision.

Accelerate the Cultural Change Towards RPA

Lastly, many organizations are building and deploying IT-based RPA processes not only for the significant financial and risk benefits, but as a proof of value to the business. For organizations new to RPA, automation of business processes can be culturally challenging to get started. Introducing business teams to the value of RPA by demoing use cases that are already successful within the business can be a powerful tool to drive adoption.

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Optezo works on our behalf to ensure our RPA automations have the highest ROI potential before any business resources are engaged

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Director of Process Improvement, Fortune 500 Retailer

Top Information Technology RPA use cases

Let robots handle necessary IT tasks that are tedious and repetitive, so that your organization can invest more resources into new projects, customer service, security and mission-critical operations.

User Management Operations

Robots and automated applications can accomplish onboarding and offboarding, group assignments, account configurations, password resetting, email address assignments, profile management, privileges, and much more. Routine data and document collection, information management, and scheduling are all more efficiently managed by RPA.

IT Infrastructure Management

Automation resolves resource bottlenecks and inefficiencies that hamper updating and patch management, network support, software installations, backup and restoration functions, batch processing, server and app monitoring, VM deployments, and much more. Robots can handle these operations 24/7, without distraction, error, or fatigue.

Network Maintenance and Monitoring

Load balancing, firewall monitoring, and critical network maintenance are ideal targets for RPA optimization. Managing LAN/WAN environments, network security functions, operational documentation, library updating, and other critical tasks are all optimally managed using robots.

Database Management

Configuration and change requests, data migration, user notifications, backup functions, system audits, app integration, FTP downloads/uploads, and more benefit from end-to-end automation that optimizes workflow. These processes are accomplished faster and with fewer errors by robots.

These use cases (and more!) are from the Optezo Process Catalog. The benefits are real. Start now.

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Reach Intelligent Automation at scale quickly and reliably

Automation Specialists

Intelligent Automation is all we do. Our experts are trained professionals have spent years working with complex systems in large enterprise organizations. We know the Enterprise and we know Intelligent Automation.

Fast Track to ROI

Optezo's Intelligent Automation strategy services and our curated automation process catalog will help you quickly get going with a successful program.

Flexible Engagement

While our All-in-One offering is most popular, we make it easy to engage with us wherever you are in your Intelligent Automation journey. Optezo can meet you where you feel we will be most valuable.

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Let's build the right plan and begin saving money at your business. Talk to one of our Intelligent Automation experts and take your Automation journey to the next level!

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