
Robotic process automation for the Construction industry

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RPA solves the mundane processes in your business

Construction industry enterprises are expanding traditionally thin margins by deploying robotic process automation (RPA) solutions to enhance productivity, boost efficiency, and refocus on high-value, mission critical operations. RPA allows these companies to compete at a higher level and support continuous improvement in operations throughout the organization.

RPA for construction companies is currently most relevant in business processes outside worksites, for those functions that are crucial to operations but resource intensive: billing, invoicing, onboarding and offboarding, database management, new business sourcing, supply chain management, etc. Innovative AI and machine intelligence applications can assume the burden of performing repetitive tasks that otherwise drain resources.

Deployed effectively, RPA solutions offer construction industry enterprises the opportunity to streamline processes, magnify productivity, and nurture improved fiscal performance.

Robots are a value-adding solution platform for many of the challenges construction enterprises face in today's market.


Billing and Invoicing Operations

Construction billing and invoicing increasingly requires aggregating data from a complex, barely-manageable web of ERPs, vendor portals, accounting apps, and data platforms. Trying to efficiently engage with this sprawl devours resources and cuts into thin margins.


Onboarding / Offboarding Processes

Processes for onboarding or offboarding employees, subcontractors, vendors, and partners are necessary, but extremely time consuming when accomplished manually. Construction enterprises must redirect staff from more valuable operations, or hire additional staff to complete these routine administrative tasks.


Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is one of the most crucial and complex ongoing processes for construction enterprises to accomplish. Even small missteps or minor process errors can lead to huge headaches, as systemic friction builds into workflow challenges that kill efficiency, inflate costs, and diminish customer experiences.


Database Management

Construction project and performance data can be spread across disparate networks and poorly integrated data volumes, or trapped within legacy systems that are largely incompatible with modern applications. Data errors and bottlenecks that arise often require manual resolution, which redirects important resources away from core operations, into low- value administrative tasks.


RFP Processing

Responding to RFPs is a core administrative function for most construction enterprises, however it's also one that requires significant resource inputs without an immediate or certain payoff. The process itself is often hindered by a lack of formalization, intensive data management requirements, and insufficient communication with stakeholders.

The benefits of RPA in the Construction industry

Automation of Low-Value, Routine Tasks

Construction enterprises forced to allocate resources and staff to low value operations – onboarding/offboarding, data management, administrative tasks, error resolution - are at a competitive disadvantage. RPA solutions can efficiently manage routine tasks at a volume and efficiency impossible for manual processes to match. Robots can also complete these tasks faster and with fewer errors, for increased assurance, reduced risk, and a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Simplified Billing and Invoicing

Manual billing and invoicing are notorious productivity drains. RPA applications can efficiently extract necessary data from customers, vendors, sub-contractors, and partners and appropriately process that data for accounting system use. Missing information can be requested or sourced faster. Robots can also manage communications with stakeholders, including critical notifications for compliance and auditing purposes.

Improved Focus on Core Operations

Resource allocation is something all construction enterprises are challenged to optimize, especially when there is a need to divert resources from core operations to low-value, routine tasks. AI-powered robots and machine intelligence-led automation transfers the burden of non-essential operations from talented personnel and allows staff to focus on generating revenue and building value.

Faster Project Sourcing

Manually finding, completing, and submitting RFPs is a resource-intensive process. RFPs supported by an RPA solution can assist with and optimize performance at each stage. Robots can automate gathering supporting documentation, populate responses, and even use advanced algorithms to generate a suitable estimate. Key staff can focus on the more nuanced details that require human management.

Top Construction RPA Use Cases

Let robots handle necessary tasks that are tedious and repetitive, so that your organization can invest more resources into new projects, essential services, and mission-critical operations.

Billing and Invoicing Operations

RPA can effectively operate across systems and platforms, to consolidate construction billing and invoicing functions into an automated process that supports optimal efficiency, faster payment cycles, and improved cash flow. Optezo's robots reduce resources allocated toward chasing money, so that enterprises can refocus on core operations.

Onboarding / Offboarding Processes

Robots tasked with managing onboarding or offboarding processes accomplish the job faster and with fewer errors. Onboarding and offboarding employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers is labor intensive for HR and IT. Document collection, information management, contract storage and sharing, and payment scheduling are all more efficiently managed by RPA, with payoffs in streamlined workflow, shortened backlogs, and reduced personnel needs.

Supply Chain Management

RPA overcomes SCM challenges that suppress productivity and continuous improvement. Robots tasked with managing low-level but critical monitoring routines, such as resolving process errors and verifying data from diverse input formats, are boosting KPIs, reducing downtime, and eliminating the need to hire extra staff.

Database Management

Inefficiencies that arise from critical data siloed in complex, poorly-integrated networks or inaccessible legacy systems are an ideal target for RPA optimization. RPA is an innovative tool to update systems and engineer a framework that supports efficient data accessibility, sharing, and governance.

RFP Processing

Request for proposal tasks are simplified and accelerated with RPA. Robots create a submission template, collect required documentation, populate response data, and generate an estimate. They also track communications, update responses, and notify relevant stakeholders of progress.

These use cases (and more!) are from the Optezo Process Catalog. The benefits are real. Start now.

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Automation Specialists

Intelligent Automation is all we do. Our experts are trained professionals have spent years working with complex systems in large enterprise organizations. We know the Enterprise and we know Intelligent Automation.

Fast Track to ROI

Optezo's Intelligent Automation strategy services and our curated automation process catalog will help you quickly get going with a successful program.

Flexible Engagement

While our All-in-One offering is most popular, we make it easy to engage with us wherever you are in your Intelligent Automation journey. Optezo can meet you where you feel we will be most valuable.

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